Accessibility statement
The Kroměříž District Museum undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with Act No 99/2019 Coll., on Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications and on the change of Act No 365/2000 Coll., on Public Administration Information Systems and on Amendments to Certain Other Acts, as amended, which implements the Directive of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/2102 as of 26 October 2016 on Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications.
This accessibility statement pertains to the following websites:
This statement was made on 17 June 2021 based on the public sector entity's own assessment.
The statement has been revised on 25 July 2024.
Feedback and contact information
Content manager contact:
Muzeum Kroměřížska, p. o.
Velké náměstí 38/21
767 01 Kroměříž, Czech Republic
Eva Dřímalová, DiS.: 734 396 186,
Technical provider contact:
RAAB Computer, s. r. o.
Čs. brigády 421
768 61 Bystřice pod Hostýnem, Czech Republic
Ing. Libor Polešovský:
Law enforcement procedures
If you have not received a response or if the response you have received is inadequate or unsatisfactory in relation to your request or notification regarding the accessibility of a website or web application, contact the relevant law enforcement authority:
Digital and information agency
Na Vápence 915/14
130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic